Monday, March 5, 2007

I heart the new Lucinda Williams cd

It's got a melancholy tone to it, and that may be part of the reason i'm so attracted to it. She's not lost her fire l, but her words are knocking me out in a way they didn't used it.
Of course, for a while I thought that "car wheels on a gravel road" was actually "cartwheels on a gravel road" and I couldn't figure out why on earth anyone would try a cartwheel on a gravel road- ouchy hands. seemed like an interesting metaphor, though.
She's taking on more of a troubadour role with this album, in an ironic sense.
Pick it up if you get a chance, or ask me for a copy of it and I'll likely send it to ya.

Some words from the song "what if" that made me sit in my car and listen to the whole song the first time I heard it:

I shudder to think
What it would mean....

If children grew up happier
And they could run with the wolves
And they never felt trapped
Or hungry or unloved

If cats walked on water
And birds had bank accounts
And we loved one another
In equal amounts


Damian said...

Lina... the Lucinda CD is really good. I just got it and it takes me a couple of weeks to fully digest a disc, but this one is good.

Also, how do we post to this blog? I think you need to make all the HMD folks into members so we can post and not just comment.

Today was a good day. Got Josh's mix (volume 3) in the mail and I'm already enjoying it!!

smartypants said... must be out in the world handing out the new Lucinda CD like some god squaders hand out the bible...and for good reason. That CD rocks! And I wasn't expecting to feel that way. Although, she is a bit angry and jaded and a little heartbroken, the music is hypnotic. Also, the CD fondly reminds me of her not so sober moment at ACL a couple of year ago, dropping the f-bomb all over the place in between apologizing because the festival was a family show (with bongs). Good times....