Friday, March 30, 2007

volume two soon to you...

hey gang,

if you haven't recieved it yet, volume two should be on your doorstep any day now. my apologies for the serious delinquicies but hopefully the bonus treat will placate you.

here's to serious country love-in... lisa

PS: the honey-drippin is in reference to junior parker NOT neil diamond :)


OhCarolina said...

First off, have to comment on the fun graphics on the cover art- love those creatures!

Fun mix, personal favs include:
-the lucinda song to start- that bitch is great
-"I got drunk and I fell down"... I say it is a love song, who amoung us hasn't had one of these moments?

honey_drippin said...

ok...i love love love the "your mom" references on your profile. HIGH-larious!!!

BYTW-- so glad Lucinda is bringing you some joy these days-- I'm off to see her live on tuesday--yay!! But you can see now how awesome she is as a role model for fabulous ladies in dark days.... i love how she gives such beauty to the dark side. yummy.

and i'm glad you liked the creatures-- they creeped JB out!

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